BHY系列防爆洁净荧光灯 | ||
产品ID:87 产品类别:灯具篇 | ||
1.Can be used in Zone 1,Zone 2 dangerous
2.Can be used in II A,II B,II C group explosive atmosphere. 3.Equipped with power source(normal doublefeet illuminating lamp), single-pole momentarily starting-up light bushing:2×20W、 1×40W、2×40W. 产品特点
2、整体结构采用密封结构,具有较强的防水,防尘能力。 3、内装防爆**单极瞬时启动灯管,能快速瞬时启动。 4、镇流器经浇封处理,有高效节能型电感式及电子式两种类型可供选择。 5、该灯具可根据要求配装应急装置,应急装置由应急控制器和镍电池组两部分组成,应急控制器具有充 电和放电保护功能。 6、符合GB3836-2000,IEC-60079S标准要求。 Features
1.The shell is formed by steel plates of high
grade,the transparent enclosure is
pressed to formation by polycarbonate. 2.Integrated body is fully sealed for waterproofig and dust-proofing. 3.Inner explosion-proof single-pole can be started up momentarily. 4.The ballast is treated by cast and seal,the electronic or inductive type be available. 5.The emergency device may be installed as required,which consists of controller and cadium battery.The controller has functions of charging and discharging over-voltage. 6.Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079standard request. 型号含义Model implican
外形尺寸Overall dioension
配光曲线Mix all curve 主要技术参数Main inplication |