结构与原理 HSHZ型系列环链手扳葫芦采用对称排列分、合流二级正齿轮传动结构,主要零件有:手柄、旋转离合器、制动器、长轴、齿轮、起重链轮、上下吊钩装置等。
2. 起重时应检查上、下吊钩是否挂牢,并注重起重链条不得扭转和打结,严禁将下吊钩回扣到起重链条上使用,双行链的下吊钩组件严禁翻转使用。 3. 起吊重物时,人员请勿在重物上或重物下工作、行走,或将重物停留空中离开现场。 4. 不得用非手动方式驱动,并严禁在手柄上使用加长套管操作。 5. 使用中不得超过葫芦的起升高度,并应避免冲击载荷。 6. 各传动部件应定期加油脂润滑油,制动器表面必须保持清洁无油污,以保证运动正常,制动可靠。 7. 检查保养时应由熟悉本产品结构和性能的人员进行。重新组装时,应使两只片齿轮的"0"字标记相对安装在同一直线上,组装完毕后应按规定进行动载特性和制动性能试验。符合要求方可使用。 8. 使用后的手扳葫芦,应存放干燥处,长期不用时应适当的防护和妥善保管。 -Application and features
HSHZ series of chain lever block
is new type of hand hoisting toll designed and manufactured by our
factory. It adopts heavy grades as its working grade. Every
performance index international standards. The main features are as
1. Reliable performance and
durability as a result of adopting advanced construction.
2. Convenient and comfortable to handle with high efficiency. 3. Small size and lightweight make the device easy and convenient to take. It is widely used in factories,
mines, wharves, construction sites, transport for lifting
merchandise and installing equipment, fixing and binding goods. Its
superiority is more evidently manifested when being used at places
where there is no power supply and at places with limited room and
space. It can be used for pulling at any angle.
Points to remember when using and
1. Overloading is strictly
2. Before lifting, inspect the hook to see whether it is securely attached. Load chain should be no twisted to ensure safety. In the case of double chain, the hook hanger , must not be reversed. 3. For the sake of safety passing or working under a lifting load or going away while leaving the heavy pieces overhead is strictly forbidden. 4. Use manpower only, and do not use overlong grip on the lever handle for operation. 5. Don"t exceed the lift height and prevent from impact. 6. In order to ensure smooth transmission and reliable brake, should lubricate its parts with lubricating oil and clean off the dirt on the cover of the brake. 7. Maintenance and inspection should be made by a skilled hand. When fixing should make sure that the "O" mark on the two disk gear should be on the same line (cf.Fig.2). A lever block can be put into operation after it has been tested and found under reliable brake and in good condition. 8. Clean off the dirt on the chain lever block, lubricate its parts with greases after use and store it in a dry place. |