席下拥有玮沃实业和玮沃家具两大公司的玮沃·中国目前是上海家具行业中制造能力较强,品种较为齐全且拥有自主进出口权的生产型企业,专业专业从事生产中高档家具,椅子沙发,板式屏风,油漆班台,钢制产品等!常年出口到日本,美国,北欧等国家。基于有竞争力的价位优势,产品深受国内外客户好评! Wewin*China owning two big companies, which are Wewin Industrial Co., Ltd. and Wewin Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is one of professional manufacturers with various ranges of products, and also has the rights of import and export in shanghai furniture industry for the time being. We specialized in medium and top-grade furniture such as chairs and sofas, panel furniture and partition, executive desk, steel products etc. Products have been usually exported to many overseas countries and areas such as Japan, USA, and North European etc. Due to the competitive price, our products have been highly receiving by customers both at home and abroad for years!
细节取胜,用心成就! 玮沃*中国,您可信赖的家具专家! Win By Heart! Wewin*China, Your Reliable Furniture Expert!
*注意:外销及经销商价另议! Negotiation Price for Export and Dealer
本工厂所售产品提供一年上门服务,五年质保,终生维护!上海市内免费送货! Our factory offersone yearcalling,five yearsguarantee, andall lifemaintenance service for users.Free deliverywithin shanghai market!
Tel:+86-13472620182, +86-21-59778009 Email:wewinmingyang@yahoo.cn QQ :354812188 MSN:hellowillygao@yahoo.com.cn Website: www.wewinmy.com.cn |