Karat Maxi 8-strand Mooring Rope
Has 8% improved breaking strength compared with normal
polypropylene rope, and improved abrasion resistance. Also, the
Karat Maxi has the following performance features, “No loss of
strength when wet” “Easy handling” “Does not absorb water”
“Floats”. Standard length is 220 mtr per coil. When ordering,
please specify the diam and length of the rope and if one or both
ends of the rope should be eye spliced.
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以上是Karat Maxi系泊缆 绳缆 绳的详细介绍,包括Karat Maxi系泊缆 绳缆 绳的厂家、价格、型号、图片、产地、品牌等信息!