。 性能特点: 产品绿色环保,对路面、绿化植物及公共设施基本无伤害,为环境友好型产品; 融雪速度快,投加剂量小,使用成本低。
融雪残留的产物可促进植物生产,实现二次利用; 产品价格合理,克服了有机融雪剂价格过高的缺点;
本品易潮解,具有一定的稳定土壤、控制尘埃的作用。 本产品可适用于-30℃的低温环境。 流动性好,易于抛撒及
Performance characteristics:Green environmental protection, no
damage to plants and public facilities, road, environment friendly
products;Snow melting speed, small dosage, low use cost.To solve
the corrosion problem of traditional products for road and bridge
reinforcement, reduce the deicing salt on the roads and the
environment impact and damage the maximum.Product of snowmelt
residue can promote plant production, achieve two
utilization;Products at reasonable prices, overcomes the
disadvantages of high price of organic snowmelt agent;This product
is deliquescent, with the role of stabilized soil, certain control
dust.This product is suitable for low temperature -30 degrees
celsius.Good fluidity, easy to throw and mechanical spreader
以上是海化融雪剂 0536-5330114的详细介绍,包括海化融雪剂 0536-5330114的厂家、价格、型号、图片、产地、品牌等信息!