导线分流盒(RLF4) | ||||||||||||||
●用途 Application RLF4系列四分流铜线卡用于一户一表工程电力进户线与分支导线的连接。 RLF4-series four-splitting brass wire clip is used for the connection of in-wire and brand wire in one-house one meter system. ●产品特点 Procucts feature 线夹四进四出、安装方便、连接紧密、接触电阻小、温升低、且有绝缘性能良好的防窃电护罩,使用安全可靠。 With four and out, wire clip features easy installation , compact connection , small contact resistance ,low temperature and good insulation with outstanding anti-electricity-function , which ensures safety and reliability. ●规格及技术参数 Specification