产品名称: 勾花网
产品说明: 勾花网又名菱形网、斜方网。广泛运用在仓库、工具间冷藏、防护加固物、球场、体育场、公园、动物园围栏、海洋捕鱼栅栏以及建筑工地围栏等。
产品种类: 镀锌勾花网、不锈钢勾花网、pvc勾花网
Material: Low
carbon steel wire, stainless steel wire, aluminum alloy wire.
Weaving: Woven diamond pattern provides strong, durable and
flexible construction. The closely spaced diamond mesh construction
gives your fence linear strength and springy texture to protect
horses from injury and prevent predators from entering paddocks and