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  通常,道路路面噪声采用国际标准化组织(ISO)评价路面对交通噪声影响的“统计通过噪声法(SPB方法??ISO 11819-1)”进行测量。该方法通过对以不同行驶速度行驶的大量的不同种类的过往车辆产生的噪声进行统计,测算出路侧**大噪声。对每一种车辆确定了一条噪声回归线(反映**大噪声与车速对数的比值),从而可以确定在车辆以参照车速行驶情况下道路的噪声水平。然而,这种方法有着公认的局限性:采用该方法对道路现场的情况与交通状况有严格的限制,它只强调、着眼于局部的孤立的路段情况,其测算结果还受到气象条件及车辆的代表性方面的影响。    






















Road, become the new noise pollution

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Road, become the new noise pollution

Road noise is becoming an increasingly serious environmental problems. Recent estimates indicate that 30% of the population living in EU countries is higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) to allow the normal noise level of environment, there are about 10% of sleep by night-time traffic noise interference. While in the past 30 years the restrictions on traffic noise is more strict, but the overall level of traffic noise was not significantly reduced. This is because the growth in traffic, and partly because of some road noise experiment with the types of vehicles and tires do not reflect the actual situation of the road.

European Union countries in this area of research is in progress. Study explored to further reduce tire noise, limit the possibilities, as well as improve road noise road test to better reflect the actual situation. Of course, this is not a short-term will be able to completely solve the problem.

From the noise source side, is already used in a way to reduce road noise is a low-noise road surface. This road reduces the tire / road noise generated between, for high-speed roads it is the main noise source. And, for some types of road noise generated from the vehicle tire and vehicle engine noise as the noise generated will be spread along the surface and lower attenuation.

With the highway management department will use the low-noise road surface as a solution to reduce road noise issues as a means of application of low-noise road surface was becoming increasingly common in Europe. For some types of road surface, due to low-noise road surface with the traditional road surface compared to the laying of cost and there is no great difference, and now low-noise road surface has been frequently used in road works, not just in the special emphasis on noise problems sections are used.

According to the EU environmental noise assessment and control rules, called for major roads and major public places, noise control, "Plan of Action." Either as to reduce road noise of the unitary approach, or in combination with other mitigation measures are used to reduce road noise, in the realization of the Future "action plan" in the noise control objectives in the process of the importance of both low-noise road surface will be further improved.

From the introduction of low-noise road surface in order to achieve maximum benefits, it is important to clarify low-noise road surface for the tire / road noise generation and decay of the effects of the new and used during the laying period of time on how the performance of the road, there is what different. But to get a clear difference between these impacts and the key issue is to have the right approach?? The correct noise measurement methods and instruments. This paper describes these methods in a noise measurement?? Neighbor method (CPX), as well as the Transport Research Laboratory methods for the application of the research and development of specialized equipment.

Statistical pass-by noise method and the neighboring France

Typically, road surface noise, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) evaluation of the impact of road traffic noise in the face of "Statistical pass-by noise France (SPB method?? ISO 11819-1)" measured. This method is different speed by moving a large number of different types of noise generated by passing vehicles statistics, measurement way out side of the maximum noise. For each vehicle to determine a noise, the regression line (reflecting the maximum noise and the speed ratio of the number of pairs), which can determine the speed of the vehicle in order to refer to cases of road traffic noise level. However, this method has recognized limitations: this method of road conditions and traffic situation at the scene, there are strict limits, which only emphasized, focusing on isolated sections of local circumstances, the measurement results also subject to weather conditions and vehicles representation effects.

Measurement of road vehicle noise another way?? "Neighbor method (CPX)" can serve a number of other advantages. This approach in the neighboring tire / road contact noise, measured at vehicles, and the commonly used test installation of a special wheel and specialized tests of the trailer tires and vehicles. EU member states in the road noise of experimental research using many of these trailers and vehicles. Recently, the International Organization for Standardization is right about this approach to study the draft and may be divided into two parts: first, detailed provisions relating to the measurement methods; second, details of recommended test tires. Compared with the statistics of noise, neighbor method has several advantages: it has a lower requirement of road situation on the ground; can be in a relatively short period of time on the longer sections of noise to make the situation analysis, measurement and evaluation; In addition, it does not require special measuring instruments.

Transport Research Laboratory (?RL) with adjacent road noise measurement of vehicle used

?RI?ON the UK Transport Research Laboratory measurement of using side by vehicles used in road noise, which is now only used in the United Kingdom is close to road noise measurement of a vehicle. This vehicle uses a truck chassis, installation of a dedicated semi-anechoic (acoustic) operating rooms, an indoor installation of a dedicated pilot wheel and a series of loudspeakers.

Test round in the left side of a rotating wheel rack, which is currently in Europe, many parts of the test in a different form?? In Europe and many parts of the trial, the test wheel rotation in the middle rounds of the shelves. In this way, test wheel can be installed in a wide body car, using light truck tires, and can withstand a variety of load conditions.

Test vehicle design that can be allowed on public roads the maximum speed limits.

Using ?RI?ON Measurement test car and the neighboring edge

As noted above, the statistical measurement of pass-by noise method is only a short distance (approximately 20 m) section of an isolated situation, and ?RI?ON test vehicle can be continuously used to measure test vehicle drove through the entire section of the road noise data. It is not the scene of road conditions, are also not confined to a single-lane noise data measurements, and, under normal circumstances, nor does it require to regular traffic for any particular traffic management, and such vehicular traffic management may often be caused interference. Noise measurements are in the normal speed of traffic traveling at normal circumstances.

?RI?ON test vehicle and the neighboring Application of the Law

In order to obtain the lowest road noise, it is important to be able to lay in its new time and the use of a period of time have been able to carry out performance evaluation and, if possible, can be evaluated on their homogeneity. Its homogeneity data can be used to identify and to ensure that this road is suitable for the chosen sections and the local conditions of use.

In the UK, according to the current Highway Department approved the use of pavement materials, methods and equipment, have been included to have a road noise reduction test certificates and material and equipment procurement instructions. For some specific roads, the certificate of "road affect the value", said the data from the Statistical pass-by noise measurement of the value derived, rather than by measurement of the value of adjacent derived. However, when a section of road has been laid among the good or are observing at this time, this approach does not include any on the product "compliance" of evaluation.

Recently, under the relevant EU-funded low-noise high-durability pavement research projects (in which the British Transport Research Laboratory has played an important role) and include proposed road surface noise classification system and programs, the program will focus on the road Noise identification parameters, pavement materials and equipment conformity assessment, as well as daily observation and monitoring. Although the basic identification data on the noise is still noise, according to statistics by France (SPB) arrived, but the adjacent noise measurement method (CPX) has also been seen as the basis for the implementation of the study of one of the tools. According to the European Commission to make the analysis of environment ministers, it is recommended to further develop the noise classification of European Committee for Standardization (CEN) standards, the European Commission has proposed to continue the project research.

Of low-noise high-durability pavement research project proposal put forward by the road and highway departments to use materials and equipment compatible with approved methods, will be limited road noise assessment, as the Transport Research Laboratory for the British Department of Transportation Highway Authority to conduct research projects components. The program will also be road traffic noise, noise reduction in the Netherlands plan to conduct tests, the first edition of the road surface noise classification system and the program will be tried out in Denmark.

?RI?ON test vehicle can be used on certain sections of the road noise quickly evaluated to determine: the homogeneity of pavement materials, and compliance, and accordingly develop the road maintenance program. The evaluation of the results of road noise road surface materials will be used to develop the technical specifications in the contract.

In addition, ?RI?ON road test vehicle can be used to carry out routine monitoring, the use of roads during the accumulation and recording of data relating to road noise. Road noise of the evaluation results will be available for the road departments to draw up strategies and to determine the road pavement maintenance update cycle, and the road surface for local institutions in the implementation of noise control, "Action Plan" of the effectiveness of the evaluation.

On the other hand, due to ?RI?ON test vehicle can be set to test tires of various sizes, for research and development of new low-noise and low-noise road tires, it would be a very ideal test tools and test instruments.

Recent and past time Transport Research Laboratory conducted using ?RI?ON test vehicle research projects related to road noise are:

Carried out in a Leicestershire road about different tire / road noise of the investigation, investigation, analysis of the various county paved road noise situation;

For the Department of Transportation Highway Administration to conduct a measurement used to determine the government 10-year road maintenance plan to update priority concrete pavement;

Department for Transport, the Ministry of Road and Transport Authority carried out an on medium / high-speed road tire / road noise of research. This study analyzed the vehicle tire / pavement design the relationship between the design of the tire and tire / road noise impact;

Study to determine the structure of the data based on the road section of road noise prediction algorithms, thus broadening the Department of Transportation road-tested vehicle to the speed of the investigation function.


The application of low noise road surface highlighted the issue of road traffic noise, especially in the tire / road noise are concerned about the increasingly common case of road traffic noise problem is particularly necessary. Important to have accurate noise measurement method in order to help clarify these road noise in the production traits. With other than the traditional measuring method, measuring the road noise is close to France (CPX) has many advantages. British Transport Research Laboratory designed and built specifically ?RI?ON test car, is a method using neighbor (CPX) measurement of tire / road noise of the test car, which is widely used in design of low noise road surface and tire design, testing, evaluation of tire / road noise is also very applicable and effective.

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