材质 | 聚乙烯 | 产品类别 | 工程塑料 |
规格 | 定制 | 适用范围 | 工农业生产和日常使用 |
功能 | 放、装载、搬运是现代化运输 | 颜色 | 军绿色、原木色 |
1 、外观尺寸(截面尺寸(宽 x 高) : 150x 150,120x120;250x250;可根据需要定制制。
2 、枕木长度: 2000mm.可根据需要定制.
3 、截面结构:回字型加强结构。
4 、外观颜色:木.本色、划啡色、军绿色等.可恨据需要定剐。
产品特性 : 本产品采用木塑材料加工而成。木塑,是一种新创复合材仁.其有与硬木相当的抗压、抗弯曲等物理长械性能,并且其耐用性昵显优于泞通木次材料.
1 、可在激退、多水的环境中住用,且不会吸水受激、膨胀变形。
2 、可有效杜绝虫类骚扰.延长使用寿命。
3 、绿色环保、无污染、无公害、可衍环利用
4 、使用简单、便捷.不需要专门培训
5 、不龟裂,小膨胀.不变形.无需维修与养护.便于消洁.节省维护保养费用。
Sleepers are a kind of basic logistics equipment, which can be used for storage, loading and handling. They are important equipment for modern transportation, packaging and storage!
Specification and model:
1. Appearance dimension (section dimension (width x height): 150x 150120x120; 250x250; It can be customized according to needs.
2. Sleeper length: 2000mm. It can be customized according to needs
3. Section structure: zigzag reinforced structure.
4. Appearance color: wood, natural color, brown, military green, etc. hateful cut as needed.
Product characteristics: This product is made of wood plastic materials. Wood plastic is a new kind of composite material. It has the same physical and mechanical properties as hardwood, such as compression resistance and bending resistance, and its durability is better than that of muddy wood secondary material
The main characteristics of polyethylene sleepers are:
1. It can be used in the environment of excitation and retreat and more water, and will not absorb water, be stimulated, expand and deform.
2. It can effectively prevent insect harassment and prolong service life.
3. Green, pollution-free, pollution-free and renewable
4. It is simple and convenient to use. No special training is required
5. No cracking, small expansion, no deformation, no maintenance and curing, easy to clean and save maintenance costs.